![]() The Internet marketEvery day hundreds of thousands of people search the Internet for advice and software to help them improve their writing skills. Many are academics, writers and business professionals who will spend money if the product does the job. Editor Software offers a 14-day trial copy of StyleWriter for people to download. At this point you're probably wondering about the market for StyleWriter. Here are some example search terms (statistics from Google’s Keyword Tool), showing how many people searched for these writing-related terms in one month: Search Terms: business letter: 673,000 cover letter: 2,740,000 English grammar: 823,000 essay writing: 246,000 how to write: 4,090,000 plain English: 49,500 technical writing: 135,000 write a business plan: 49,500 write a resume: 246,000 writing software: 135,000 writing courses: 60,500
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Video Demonstrations
Introducing StyleWriter The world's largest style and usage checker makes you a professional copy-editor. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter Smart-Spell StyleWriter's revolutionary Smart-Spell™ technology finds errors missed by conventional spellcheckers. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter Jargon Buster Comprehensively checks any document for jargon. Banish corporate speak from writing. Editing Sentences Analyze wordy, complex and long sentences to improve clarity and style. Advanced Statistics Revolutionary readability and style indexes accurately assess your writing. StyleWriter's Audience & Task Advice and readability for different audiences and tasks. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter's Graphs Essential editing information displayed. See your writing style at a glance. StyleWriter's Writing Samples Examples of StyleWriter editing different documents. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter's Editing Speed The quickest style checker available. Check 10,000 words in 12 seconds. Customizing StyleWriter Add your own proofreading and style issues to the most versatile copy-editing software. Writing Course Introduction Teaches you how to write and edit like a professional editor. VIEW DEMO House Style Introduction Using StyleWriter to check your organization's house style preferences.